Secret Life of Mountain Lions

1. The video "Secret Lives of Mountain Lions" gave some insight into the social nature of mountain lions. It once previously thought that these mountain cats are solitary creatures, but recent footage that tracked the lives of a small family proved otherwise. What was shown is actually a more affectionate and caring lifestyle than anyone had previously thought. This relationship is important because it is possibly one of the reasons the species has avoided extinction. As it is, less than 1 in 5 kittens survive long enough to reproduce and it seems one for the crucial pieces of survival is the care the mother takes with her offspring. The video also shows random acts of kindness such as sharing food with a male (the father) and the mother adopting an orphan kitten.

2. I did learn something new from this video. I learned that mountain lions share the position at the top of the food chain with things like wolves and humans and the mountain lion babies are vulnerable to predators when they are small and defenseless.

3. Before seeing the video "Secret Lives of Mountain Lions" ( I did not know very much about their habits. I was not aware of their vulnerabilities in harsh environments, possibly because Sonoma County has sure mild climate. I was shocked to learn that very few babies live to reproduce. This makes me curious about the impact humans have on the cougar population and I wonder if the high death rate is related to poaching and hunting. How have they not gone extinct if the number of surviving offspring is less than the two reproducing parents?  


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