The story of bottled water

The video "The story of bottled water" ( really went into detail about the bottled water industry and talked about how it has become a trend. Tap water is basically free and very accessible for many people so how did people come to the decision that bottled water is better? Annie Leonard asks this question of us and explains that big corporations changed the way people perceive their tap water. They created a manufactured demand by scaring us into thinking our tap water is bad and convincing us through advertisements that their product is much better. Pepsi and Coke are certainly instigators in this game, and it's all just a ploy for us to give them our money. In fact, bottled water is not always what it appears to be, as some companies are actually selling tap water and making a huge profit off it.
I think this video should be shared with others because it exposes large companies as the heartless money-grubbers that they are. What a scam the bottled water industry is. Not only are we being sold an inferior product, but it is very expensive and it's contributing to a global pollution problem.  I learned a lot about recycling, such as how our recycled products are shipped across the world and discarded or turned into a lesser-quality product. I liked her ideas about "investing in public water infrastructure" and asking for public drinking fountains to be brought back. I hope everyone who watches this is inspired to begin drinking the water that is locally provided.  


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