Soil Solutions to Climate Problems

The video "Soil Solutions to Climate Problems (, narrated by one of my favorite authors, Michael Pollan, was extremely informative. It was helpful for me in the sense that it broke down the overwhelming dilemma of carbon dioxide levels in our environment . Something I liked about the video was it didn't focus on the negative impact of carbon in our atmosphere, it more focused on the importance of a balanced carbon cycle. the most important things I learned from the video:
     -Carbon dioxide is an important element to sustain life
     -Carbon in important for the health of the soil, which equates to the health of humans
     -Healthy soil is responsible for 95% of our food
     -Carbon dioxide is released from the soil when land is tilled and prepared for agriculture and farm use
     -Excess carbon in the atmosphere, which is causing global warming, can be put back in the soil by planting more plants
     -One big step to reducing excessive carbon in the environment is through "increasing plant diversity, composting and planned grazing"
     -France is already working on increasing soil restoration by encouraging everyone to increase soil carbon quantities by .4% each year
     -More plants means healthy soil, which means a healthy planet.

I was inspired by this video. I frequently feel like global warming, as a bi-product of carbon emissions, is a very daunting problem to tackle and this video explains the importance and easy of improving the soil beneath your feet as a place to start.    


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