Siuslaw National Forest
The video "Seeing the Forest" ( was a fantastically successful story of the evolution of a large forest in Oregon, the Siuslaw National Forest. This forest was used for timber after WWII and for 40 years old growth forests were decimated for their quality wood. The foresters saw the trees as nothing more than a renewable resource. This trend continued until a spotted owl ruling passed. The salmon population had declined as well, and it was clear that the whole ecosystem surrounding the Siuslaw was suffering. Judges ruled that the forest could no longer be used for logging. What ensued was a battle between environmentalists who were in favor of the ruling and loggers who were affected by the shut-down of the logging industry in the area. During this battle the federal government stepped in and then president Bill Clinton passed the Northwest Forest Plan which dedicated the area around the streams with salmon a habitat reserve and left some land open...